Welcome to my little piece of heaven, where I share with you who I am and what I love!

Q: What is your first language?
French 🙂
Q: Why did you start blogging?
Honestly I started because I wanted something of my own, where I could write and post photos. It didn’t start as a fashion blog, I would post about recipes and things I had seen online. But my true passion lies with fashion, and since I love to shop this gave me an excuse to go shopping more often! Ha!
Q: Who takes your photos?
At first it was my boyfriend, he took more than half of the photos on the blog. He is still my favorite photographer, but life gets busy so I have help from amazing local photographers and also my best friend who’s been filling in almost all the time!
Q: Where did you get the name of your blog from?
When I started I had plans of writing about a little bit of everything I loved in this blog, so “bazaar” seemed to be the perfect reference. Plus I love how it sounds!
Q: What would you tell someone who wants to start a blog?
Love what you do! If you only do it for the free goodies or the money, people will see right through you and won’t come back! Also be consistent and true to yourself. And keep doing what you are doing even if it takes a long time… Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Q: What is the only beauty product you can’t live without?
Too Faced “better than sex” mascara!
Thank you for stopping by! XO