Clearly if you are reading this post you want to laugh at my expense – and I am totally fine with it! If you’ve not see the bloopers post I did at the end of 2016 you can find it here, but basically what this is about is just a round up of the funniest photos that didn’t make it to blog posts (for obvious reasons!).

I am either in the middle of a word (I talk… a lot), no-so-patiently waiting, dealing with wardrobe malfunctions in very delicate ways, or even falling down, so hopefully I get to draw a smile on your face at least once before the end of the article!
This is one of my favorite kind of posts to share, just because I get to show you more of the “real” me and less of the “blogger” me, if that makes sense?! I am (I think) a very down to earth person, and always want to make sure that you guys realize social media and blogs only showcase the BEST of a situation! More often than not we – as in us bloggers – end up with most of the photos looking like these!
Hope you guys enjoy, and please remember to take life not too seriously.